MasterPeace Counseling approaches therapy with the belief that Kintsugi has much to teach us about our own core strengths in life. We experience moments of life where we feel utterly broken, irredeemable, and even worthless. Life can feel impermanent, it can feel shameful, and our cracks may represent some of the darkest times in our lives. And yet, the healing that counseling can provide is the brilliant gold which seeks to reframe these moments of helplessness. Through counseling, you may just come to find that your story is made even more powerful, relatable, and hopeful when you can testify to moments of brokenness made whole again. Once shameful and defeated, you are now radiant and proud of the darkness you have profoundly overcome.
Here at MasterPeace, I want to invite you to come find a genuine belief in your own self-worth while “mastering” your own sense of inner peace. Together, let’s paint the cracks with brilliant gold, and embrace lasting healing.